Thursday, July 13, 2006

Piazzetta Family - The Remote Origin

The remote origin of the Piazzetta family

In whole the researches in Italy we always found very old references of Family Piazzetta's presence in the city of Feltre, county of Belluno. Thus, with base in those studies, we can conclude that the rootses of the great Piazzetta family are in this city and in its surroundings, once the geographical limits now known, they moved a lot in elapsing of the centuries.

In the beginning of the century XIV the city of Feltre was invaded and destroyed by the armies of the austro-Hungarian empire, commanded by Maximiliano I. Feltre was razed and this fact caused, certainly, a great exodus of the population for they escape from that tragedy.

The search for work, this important motor of the great migratory movements all over the world, it carted and still, in the days today, it continues motivating great displacements of populations.

In a surrounded and destroyed city, with certainty, it created the need to seek shelter and resources in other areas.

Those two were the reasons that forced Família Piazzetta's members they migrate her more to the south, still in the county of Belluno, in search of safety and work.


Associação Trevisani nel Mondo - Erechim

Associação Bellunesi nel Mondo - Erechim

Circolo Vicentini nel Mondo de Erechim

Imigração Vêneta

Imagens de Erechim - Passado e Presente

A Vista do Meu Ponto - Crônicas

Formatura Curso FAINORS

Assembléias da FAINORS

Gioventù Veneta di Erechim

A Mulher Veneta no RS

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